Sunday, December 20, 2009

Soy Nog

Typically I would never intentionally advertise a product, mostly because humongous mega-corporations do that all by themselves, and also because endorsing a product, one might believe I believe in the entire mission statement of that humongous mega-corporation. I usually do not.
I avoid dairy products as much as possible. I believe once we are weaned from the breast it is time to move on. Cows and goats don't continue to drink their mother's milk once they reach a certain age and I for one, do not want to force an innocent animal to lactate for me to enjoy the creamy, viscous liquid we call milk.
Each year I look forward to certain seasonal treats like pumpkin pie, chestnuts, fruitcake (yes, I really do like it) and egg nog.
There are a few varieties of soy nog available but in my neck of the woods, Silk is the only one readily available, probably because I am the only person who actually purchases it.

1 comment:

  1. i am completely obsessed with soy nog! it's so good.
