Thursday, April 9, 2009

Digging in the Dirt

I started seeds on March 23. I wanted to try some unusual varieties this year. I planted Edmund's Blood Red Turnip Beets, Longfellow Cucumbers and Henderson Lima Beans. I planted Leek seeds as well, Giant Musselburghs, but the cats are eating them. Some growers trim there leeks as they grow to promote a healthier bulb but I think the cats are eventually going to kill them before I can get them in the ground. I have several varieties of carrots, lettuce and radishes already growing outside. I have begun to clean out the beds and prepare for the planting season next month. All of my perennial herbs survived the Winter thanks to a heavy mulching of leaves. I am considering moving the herb bed. I have three different varieties of lavender and hope to get new varieties this year. My twelve year old lavender topiary came inside for the Winter. It looks a bit leggy but should bounce back once it is back in the garden.

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